Tuesday, 16 November 2010

bluecoat. love it.

This piece by Nicholas Hlobo. i Absolutely LOVED. It was a sculptural piece made using leather and ribbon, general domestic found objects. What i first noticed was the stitching through- what i assume to be - a tyre, with colourful ribbons creating the most fascinating shapes and patterns. I think the fact that it somehow reminded me of my own work, or the scale of work and a similar style i would like to achieve when ill have access to better facilities enable me to produce large scale works, like Nicholas.
I don't rely on researching artist to feed my own personal work, what i find inspires me is the way work is put together, photographed or exhibited in a space more than what it actually is.
Nicholas had gone for a slightly playful way to show his work it seemed. The space in the bluecoat really made his work justice too, walking up the stairs to walk into a maze of ribbon was unexpected but quite exiting. I had dragged a couple of friend with me that don't really have anny interest in art, but the way everything was set up- having to walk round this maze of ribbon to find more of his leather/human sculptures turned us
all into children again. Everyone else who were there also seemed to be as exited from the whole experience to.

His piece also reminded me to Yinka Shonibare's work, an artist i have admired for many years now. I think both have an exquisite way with colour and materials. Yinka often produces work to tease or are quite playful and theatrical. Also has allot of mannequin's in his work.
Also i see a similarity with Yinka's early paintings and textile pieces, Nicholas's work is very textile based in my eyes, maybe that because i see my work's structure similar and i mostly produce textile pieces. Either way, ill deffo' be keeping an eye out for exhibitions off both. Mabye a Yinka or Hlobo book in my Christmas stockings...!

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