Monday, 7 February 2011

Shani & co.

I'm lucky to have grown up admiring and being influenced by welsh artist as well as other artist around. I do feel that this has been a massive impact on my work as i have attended many exhibition openings in wales, and know of the high standard of work that welsh artist produce, and now know, as me and Lois try our best to find somewhere in wales to exhibit our work of how filled up with work these welsh galleries are, due to an enormous amount of artist and competition around. We weren't naif to think that it would be easier to find somewhere in wales -thinking it would be easier to find somewhere there rather than in Liverpool, not at all. We just decided that our work would simply appeal more, and maybe make more sense set in a welsh environment as our work's deeply influenced, excuse to go home once in a while! i miss the sheep.
Shani Rhys James is one of my favourite welsh artist. She produces huge paintings of people usually with you could call props, or set in a kind of theatrical situation. Her paintings are rich in colour, i love the way she conveys expression on faces, and the texture of the paint. Although I'm not painting at the moment, i still think in the same way i would if i were painting. As I'm known for going 'too far' with my colours, i always try and remember the same things weather in drawing or doing sewing work- STRUCTURE !!

Shani uses allot of red in her work.It does give a very dramatic feel to her work. I suppose its the same as my obsession with using turquoise in all my work. I cant judge her for it.
But in all seriousness.The way she works is very similar to mine, she uses objects and sets up a scenario as the base of her paintings as well as tell us a story. Some of them are overwhelmingly big, and they're a great example of a brilliant welsh artist.

Luned Rhys Parri.

Luned Rhys Parri is another artist I'm a massive fan of. Her work is mainly 3D little sculptures, usually containing little quirky characters that also try and tell us a story, fun and humorous. She works from drawings and her pieces are a combination of lots of materials ranging from photographs to cardboard. Her painting is also very good, and after attempting myself to work with cardboard, i can admire her skills and realize how difficult the whole process is. The people in her work are sparked form real life or her childhood, her welsh upbringing and surroundings are very important to her and her work. She mixes and combines numerous different medias as i attempt to do the same.

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